Iran’s first virtual exhibition

The location of PersianSanat products (types of plastic pallets and box pallets)

Iran PersianSanat virtual exhibition palette
Iran’s first virtual exhibition (persiansanat booth)

Iran’s first virtual exhibition

The presence of PersianSanat, the top producer of plastic pallets, in Iran’s first virtual exhibition

Actually The plastic industry is one of the main suppliers of the country’s consumer necessities in the field of plastics. Among these, we can mention the production of plastic packaging industries, including pallets and box pallets.The private sector of the field of information and communication technology is affiliated. to the Chamber of Commerce. Industry-Mining and Agriculture of Iran Due to the spread of the Corona disease and developments in the digital industry at various national and international levels. it has .decided to hold “Iran’s first virtual exhibition. In this regard, chambers of commerce, industry-mining and agriculture, economic organizations. Iran Trade Development Organization, Innovation and Prosperity Fund. Culture and Art Development Center in the virtual space of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic. Guidance play a significant role in holding the virtual exhibition of Iran.”

With more than forty years of innovation, effort and experience. Persian Sanat will introduce you today with the establishment of the most advanced factories producing all kinds of plastic products. Using experiences and updating information, along with benefiting from the expertise and knowledge of a committed workforce, are the most important reasons for the Persian industry’s difference.The scientific view and the use of facilities in accordance with international standards are not available to you only outside the borders. Our laboratories allow you to perform tests related to all plastic products and parts. The link below is to visit Persian Sanat booth in Iran virtual exhibition..

also Persiansanat is one of the top producers of heavy plastic parts (pallets and plastic pallet boxes) in Iran in addition to Persiansanat will be present in the first period of the virtual exhibition by presenting all kinds of new plastic products (pallets and box pallets) in Iran

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